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    One-time Easy Payment of $4999$4999.00
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    6 Monthly Payments of $833.166x $833.16
  • Preferred option
    8 Monthly Payments of $624.878x $624.87
  • Preferred option
    12 Monthly Payments of $416.5812x $416.58

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Love Retreat 2026 Shared Glamping Tent$0

★Stay on the beautiful Tulum beach. 

★You will have your own bed but there will be another retreater in your tent in their own bed. 

★The date of this retreat is Jan 18-24th 2026

★Just a few steps outside of the beach house.

★You will have a hotel grade bed and access to indoor and outdoor restrooms.

★You will literally be steps away from the ocean. 
★Your retreat ticket includes your stay, all meals, excursions, workshops, gift bags. 

★Receive 12 months of live virtually monthly breathwork upon sign up to help with embodiment and integration

We can't wait to retreat and heal with you!
  • Total payment
  • 1xLove Retreat 2026 Shared Glamping Tent$0

All prices in USD
